COVID Test Kit Manufacturer
The Covid-19 pandemic has put the technical and scientific abilities of the Indian in-vitro Diagnostics industry to the test, since the beginning of this year. The industry has responded to the need of the hour swiftly, scientifically, strongly, and successfully. Since the month of March this year, the market started buzzing with the launch of novel Indian products for the detection of Covid-19.
Today, there are more than 30 Indian IVD companies that have introduced indigenous kits based on the Gold Standard, RT PCR technology, and over 15 companies who have developed the antibody detection tests for Covid-19.
With the increasing acceptance and usage of the RT PCR tests, the requirement for the Viral Transport Medium (VTM) to protect the virulence and viability of the virus during transport and storage also registered a massive surge. Large quantities of the VTM kits were initially being imported since there was not a single covid test kit manufacturer of throat and nasopharyngeal swabs in the country.
With the encouragement and guidance from the Govt. of India, a couple of local covid test kit manufacturers emerged for these swabs. Presently, there are over 20 local covid test kit manufacturers of VTM kits in India.
With the increasing acceptance and usage of the RT PCR tests, the requirement for the Viral Transport Medium (VTM) to protect the virulence and viability of the virus during transport and storage also registered a massive surge.
Large quantities of the VTM kits were initially being imported since there was not a single manufacturer of throat and nasopharyngeal swabs in the country.
With the encouragement and guidance from the Govt. of India, a couple of local manufacturers emerged for these swabs. Presently, there are over 20 local manufacturers of VTM kits in India.

Our technical team took less than a week to develop a highly stable and robust viral transport medium kit, for the safe transport and storage of Covid-19 clinical samples. All the raw materials and accessories were sourced locally thereby delivering a product which was truly ‘Made in India’. Soon thereafter, we received the ICMR approval for the same.
We then ramped up our installed manufacturing capacity by four times to meet the market demand for this product.

VDx Viral Lysis Transport Medium (VLTM) Kit is used for the collection and transport of clinical specimens of Covid -19 and other viruses.
VDx VLTM Kit is a specially designed product for the collection and transport of Covid -19 specimens. It is designed to lyse and maintain optimum conditions for the transport of the viral sample.
Vanguard Diagnostics has also colaborated with IIT Delhi on a project funded by BIRAC, for an aptamer based novel test for the detection of Covid-19 antigen.
Vanguard Diagnostics has also collaboratied with DIPAS/DRDO (Defence Research and Development Organisation) for the development of an ELISA test for the detection of IgG antibody to Covid-19.
Vanguard Diagnostics was amongst the first few companies in India to obtain the NIV/ICMR validation approval for its rapid card test for the detection of IgM and IgG antibodies against the Corona virus.
We were the first company to obtain a license from the CDSCO for the manufacturing of this product.